Thursday, October 27, 2016

Homemade Sugar Free Jam

So, I have this issue with sugar, but detest the 'sugar free' jam's and jellies on the market today, so I have learned to make my own.
It is rather simple and requires few ingredients.
First, I start with organic fruit. I only use organic berries and fruit for many reasons, but mostly for the taste. The organic ones taste much better to me.
I get out a large saucepan and pour in about four cups of berries. You can use blueberries, strawberries, cherries, or apples, really whatever you like.
Cook it on medium heat for 1-2 hours, stirring often, until they have reduced to a bubbly syrup. Allow them to cool to warm, then blend them until smooth. It will be a little runny but if cooked long enough they will set to a smooth jam texture when completely cooled.
My family does not like sugar free jam. Most people don't. This recipe is so versatile that you can easily sweeten it with a few drops of Stevia, or a cup or so of Sugar in the Raw. (For those of you who are corn sensitive, be careful with the Stevia. A lot of times there is a corn based stabilizer involved, even with the Stevia in the Raw.)
So, there you go, my own personal jam recipe! Try it! Get creative, add ginger, or cinnamon for example, make it your own!
Have fun, and have a happy, healthy, gluten free day!

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