Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts

Monday, October 21, 2019

Strict Avoidance Diet for Food Allergies and Gluten Sensitivity

Ever have that awkward discussion with someone about your restricted diet???
I have, many times. It doesn't get any easier, but at least over the last few years I have learned what to say. Many times I have been accused of having social anxiety because I won't eat at church or family gatherings. Many times I have been told that I am just out of touch. Many times, I have been made fun of, looked at like I was crazy, or simply not taken seriously. But the truth is, I have to follow a restricted diet to STAY ALIVE!!!
FOOD ALLERGIES ARE REAL! They really do claim lives. An average of 5 people every day die of anaphylaxis, just in the USA! Thousands more end up in the hospital. Yes, it is real! Yes, it is to be taken seriously! Yes, there are preventative techniques. Avoid your known allergens. Carry two epipens at all times, and don't hesitate to use one if you experience difficulty breathing from an allergen exposure. Have an action plan, and make sure the whole family, friends, and coworkers know what to do if something goes wrong. Advocate for those with allergies, and stand up to the bullying regarding restricted diets!

Celiac Disease, and severe Gluten Sensitivity is real as well! It is not an allergy, but still requires complete avoidance. Celiac Disease is an immune response to ingestion of gluten. It harms the small intestine, leaving damage and causing malabsorption and malnutrition. It also carries many other symptoms.

Learn the symptoms. Recognize it. Follow avoidance diet, and keep yourself and those around you safe!

Have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free, Allergy Free Day!
~Em Kennedy~

To purchase a copy of Em's new cookbook titled "Cooking Gluten and Corn Free with Gluten Free Em" please click here:

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Be Positive About Your Diet

Have you ever felt like you were in this Gluten Free thing all alone? I get that way sometimes, but in reality we are part of a huge Gluten Free Family! All over the world there are others like us who have a limited diet because of health reasons. The "poor me attitude" is easy to acquire, but it only brings with it depressing thoughts, so be careful not to fall prey to it's trap!!! If you are struggling in this area, consider joining social media groups with others who are gluten free, or perhaps finding out if some of your neighbors are gluten free. Just communicating with others who deal with the same struggles can be all it takes to encourage and uplift us. We are doing the right thing in taking care of our bodies. We are not fad dieters, we are trying to stay healthy.
Believe in yourself! You are awesome! Hold your head up high, you deserve to feel good about yourself!
Live Happy, Healthy, and Gluten Free!
~Gluten Free Em~

Friday, July 28, 2017

What are Food Sensitivities

   When I use the term food sensitivity, I often get blank looks. It is a little more difficult to explain, but certainly is important enough to deserve an explanation. So, I decided to devote a post entirely to this misunderstood and often ignored topic.
   What is a food sensitivity? 
Well, simply put it is an adverse reaction your body makes to a given food. It is not a result of an IgE antibody reaction as most serious food allergies are, but can do just as much harm in the long run. Typically it is an IgG antibody reaction or an IgA, or other immune response to the troublesome food. Either way, it is an autoimmune reaction to what would otherwise be a harmless substance. If you want it in down to earth terms... it's the body making a big stink over nothin'...or, an overreactin' and frustratin' immune system. 
   What is it like to have a food sensitivity? 
Frustrating, annoying, but manageble. Your body goes through many steps before the offending food is out of your system. Think of it this way: let's say you have a sensitivity to corn. One day you knowingly or unknowingly consume (eat) some corn or food product that contains corn. The first place the food goes is in your mouth, where it may or may not cause discomfort. It might burn, or itch. It may not bother you at all. 
   Second, it goes down your esophagus where it can cause irritability, swelling, or acid reflux symptoms, usually minor. 
   Thirdly, it hits your stomach. Here is where most of the problem originated. There is not enough, or to much acid to break down the food proteins properly. Most people take antacids to combat the discomfort this situation brings on, not realizing they are only adding to the problem. Also, there is usually a deficiency in digestive enzymes as well. These are so necessary to properly break down the food into something your body can absorb and use.
   Fourthly, it goes into your small intestines where more enzymes are put to work turning the soupy mess into useful energy. Here is where most of the problem is: when the stomach hasn't properly broken down the food particles, and they enter the small intestines this way, they cause inflammation. Your immune system starts freaking out because of these larger than normal proteins that are being absorbed into the blood stream. It sends antibodies to attack and 'destroy' these invaders in order to protect the body from harm.
   Fifthly, what's left to this undigested food matter makes its way through the large intestine or colon. Here it causes symptoms of IBS, colitis, and crohns disease. The symptoms from this range from mild to severe. Irregularity, diarrhea, and cramps are often included in the mountainous list of symptoms.
   Many people think it ends here. They ate the food, it tore them up, it made its way out of their system, and now it's all over, right? WRONG! The damage done can last for up to 2 weeks depending on the food and your bodies response. The damage it does to your already screwy immune system makes this a monotonous circle. If allowed to continue (if the offending food is still being eaten, and not removed from the diet) adrenal fatigue will result. 
   What do you do about it? Remove the food from your diet. At least for several months. Take digestive enzymes and probiotics, and get plenty of rest. Eat a diet of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, and high quality meat, nuts and seeds. Juicing is also helpful.
   As I said, it is difficult to explain, but definitely deserves an explanation. I will write more on this subject later, for now have a happy, healthy, gluten free day! 
~Gluten Free Em~

Want to know more??? Check out my handy guide: 

Friday, January 6, 2017

Vans Gluten Free Foods

Vans is a brand that contributes tremendously to the deliciousness of the gluten free diet! I'm a fan of Vans because they offer a wide variety of products that are not only gluten free, but also corn free!!!!!!! Wooohooo!!!! Ok, forgive my childish expression, but I love eating cereal, crackers, and granola bars. Especially when they taste yummy, and have very little sugar in them. They also offer granola. These pictures were taken at Walmart who seems to be embracing the fact that people want gluten free products. 
 Vans cereal selection...
 A few granola bars....
Crackers anyone???
Want to know more about Vans delicious products?  Check it out