Showing posts with label gluten free diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gluten free diet. Show all posts

Monday, October 21, 2019

Strict Avoidance Diet for Food Allergies and Gluten Sensitivity

Ever have that awkward discussion with someone about your restricted diet???
I have, many times. It doesn't get any easier, but at least over the last few years I have learned what to say. Many times I have been accused of having social anxiety because I won't eat at church or family gatherings. Many times I have been told that I am just out of touch. Many times, I have been made fun of, looked at like I was crazy, or simply not taken seriously. But the truth is, I have to follow a restricted diet to STAY ALIVE!!!
FOOD ALLERGIES ARE REAL! They really do claim lives. An average of 5 people every day die of anaphylaxis, just in the USA! Thousands more end up in the hospital. Yes, it is real! Yes, it is to be taken seriously! Yes, there are preventative techniques. Avoid your known allergens. Carry two epipens at all times, and don't hesitate to use one if you experience difficulty breathing from an allergen exposure. Have an action plan, and make sure the whole family, friends, and coworkers know what to do if something goes wrong. Advocate for those with allergies, and stand up to the bullying regarding restricted diets!

Celiac Disease, and severe Gluten Sensitivity is real as well! It is not an allergy, but still requires complete avoidance. Celiac Disease is an immune response to ingestion of gluten. It harms the small intestine, leaving damage and causing malabsorption and malnutrition. It also carries many other symptoms.

Learn the symptoms. Recognize it. Follow avoidance diet, and keep yourself and those around you safe!

Have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free, Allergy Free Day!
~Em Kennedy~

To purchase a copy of Em's new cookbook titled "Cooking Gluten and Corn Free with Gluten Free Em" please click here:

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Seriousness of Cross-Contamination

Do you ever find yourself wondering what the right thing to do is in the case of cross-contamination? Do you feel pressured to just give in? Do you find yourself second guessing your decision to completely abstain?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this post is for you! READ ON!

Many years ago when I first went gluten free, I knew nothing about food allergies or intolerance. I simply knew I wasn't feeling well and wanted things to change. My doctor suggested a gluten free diet to help my body heal. I listened to her, did some research and found out about Celiac Disease. I didn't wait to be tested for Celiac, I just went gluten free. Long story short, my life changed drastically! Things weren't perfect, but the difference was huge. I faced the music from friends and family concerning the I am sure we all do...and began to give in. Just a little here and there. I shared microwaves with them. I would hang out in the kitchen as they were preparing a gluten filled meal, or baking a cake. I would even allow them to bring their food into my kitchen thus contaminating it. I knew it made me sick. I felt it. I really couldn't deny the obvious result was that just a little bit of contamination was all it took to make me SICK! I thought it was just in my head at first and did some serious research. I found that people with Celiac experience intestinal damage by even the tracest amount of gluten ingestion! 

There was no getting around the truth. I couldn't afford to get exposed to even the smallest amount of gluten equaling the size of a crumb. One crumb was all it would take to make me sick.
The truth was devastating at first. But it did confirm my suspicion based on my symptoms. The next step was to completely rid my life of gluten. So I did. My life is so much better now. My kitchen is safe from gluten contamination. My soaps, meds, and even my supplements are free of gluten. But every now and then I get exposed when out of the house. Those infamous cramps, diarrhea, brain fog, inflammation, moodiness, and much more symptoms all come back for a few weeks until my body is able to rid itself of the gluten.

Of course, food allergies are different...but still very serious. One trace amount of one of my food or drug allergies can cause me to go into anaphylactic shock! So cross-contamination is truly a big deal with allergies as well.

The bottom note of this post is this: Cross-Contamination is serious and must be avoided at all cost!

Don't second guess your decision to avoid gluten at all cost, just do it! You know what is best for your body. The Glute Free diet isn't all fun and games but it is a life necessity if you are Celiac or sensitive to gluten. Do the right thing for your body and avoid Gluten!

Have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free Day!
~Gluten Free Em~

Monday, January 7, 2019

Why I am Gluten Free Em

Here at Gluten Free Em, we are striving to promote awareness of three major health issues...Gluten Sensitivity, Food Allergies, and Celiac Disease. They are not the same thing, each one is a different issue, but they all involve what you eat, wash with, put on your skin, etc. There is a big need out there for awareness to these three health problems. So many people think that avoiding a certain food just means you are picky. Well, sometimes people do avoid foods for those reasons, but those with these three health problems are avoiding certain food to STAY ALIVE! There is such a big difference!
Let's break each one of these issues up into more detail for you:
Gluten Sensitivity is a term used to describe a health problem where upon ingestion of gluten, or anything cross-contaminated with gluten, the person becomes very ill. Digestive problems, forceful vomiting, itchy or burning rash, brain fog, trouble thinking and remembering, anxiety, depression, failure to thrive and grow (for children), and much much more are all possible symptoms of this issue. It can be related to a delayed food allergy, a insufficient amount of digestive enzymes, or even undiagnosed Celiac Disease.
Celiac Disease is an autoimmune reaction to ingestion of even the tracest amount of gluten proteins (found in wheat, rye, barley, oats, etc) where the body will actually attack itself causing damage to the small intestine. This creates a big problem as nutrients are unable to be absorbed properly due to the damage. It carries much of the same symptoms of Gluten Sensitivity.
For more information on Celiac Disease please visit
Food Allergies are when upon ingestion of a particular trigger food, the allergic person has an allergic reaction (which may be life threatening). This is an immune response brought on by a certain food. The symptoms range from digestive distress to hive, itching, rash, headaches, swollen mouth, tongue or throat, asthma, and even a life threatening situation called Anaphylaxis which can be fatal. There are many more symptoms of an allergy, these are just a few of the most common.
Please visit for more information on food allergies.
So to sum up this post, if you don't already understand about these health problems, learn as much as you can! You may be able to spread awareness by wearing one of our products as well. Remember: knowledge saves lives, and every life is precious!
Have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free Day!

~Gluten Free Em~

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

How my Gluten Free journey began...

Well, we've started a new year!!! I can't help but think back 7 years to the beginning of my own gluten free journey. It all started as a result of an endocrinologist's recommendation. I was dealing with autoimmune thyroid issues which had me feeling pretty worn out. My thyroid numbers had actually gotten back into the "normal" range, but my symptoms had remained. My vitamin D was borderline low. My energy was missing, and my hair was falling out. Nothing that I had tried had helped, and I was beginning to think there was no answer to the chronic fatigue that I had faced for many years.
"Have you tried a gluten free diet?" she asked. Me, I'm like, "What is gluten?"
Her response was pretty lame..."Go home and research it on the internet. I think it may be able to help your fatigue." I was like...whatever....but I did take her advice and looked it up.
I found out that gluten is a hard to digest protein in wheat, barley, oats, and rye which can create digestive issues with those who are sensitive to it. Digestive issues is something I had dealt with since a child, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to try. Boy was I in for a life changer!!!!! The fatigue was relieved, the pain was lessened, the digestive discomfort left, and I felt like a new woman after only a short two week abstinence from gluten. The rest is history...but here I am 7 years later, still gluten free and still researching how I can improve the lives of myself, my family, and others out there who are still looking to find answers when gluten may be at the root of their problem.
The gluten free diet is NOT for everyone, but there are a lot of people out there who do have a sensitivity to gluten and are feeling the negative health affects from it, just as I was. There are also those out there who have an autoimmune disease called Celiac Disease which causes severe intestinal damage, etc. because of gluten ingestion.
To learn more about Gluten, and whether or not the gluten free diet could be for you...Check out this book that I wrote explaining in detail, everything about going gluten free. It is available in kindle and paperback form. (See Below!)
Could it Be Gluten? A guide to understanding the facts about the gluten free diet. by Em Kennedy

Here's to better health!
Have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free Year!
~Gluten Free Em~

Do you have questions for Gluten Free Em??? You can reach her by the contact form on the desktop version of this blog, or by her Facebook page... !!!!! Don't be left in the dark, find out today if you would benefit from a gluten free diet!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

What is Celiac Disease?

 Support Celiac Disease Awareness!!!
As you may have already noticed, many of my posts are to educate and spread the word to the world that Celiac Disease is real! Many people in this world suffer from Celiac Disease and simply don't know the reason for their baffling symptoms... The reason is, lack of knowledge among medical professionals, and people just accepting their symptoms instead of seeking help. Take time to educate yourself and others on the symptoms of Celiac Disease, and Gluten Sensitivity!!! It could be life changing...and dare I say, Life Saving!
Some symptoms listed by the Mayo Clinic....

  • Anemia, usually resulting from iron deficiency
  • Loss of bone density (osteoporosis) or softening of bone (osteomalacia)
  • Itchy, blistery skin rash (dermatitis herpetiformis)
  • Damage to dental enamel
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Headaches and fatigue
  • Nervous system injury, including numbness and tingling in the feet and hands, possible problems with balance, and cognitive impairment
  • Joint pain
  • Reduced functioning of the spleen (hyposplenism)
  • Acid reflux and heartburn
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Weight loss
  • Irritability
  • Short stature
  • Delayed puberty
  • Neurological symptoms, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), learning disabilities, headaches, lack of muscle coordination and seizures
These are only a few of the possible symptoms...Some experience little to no symptoms, but experience serious results many years down the road. Spread the word about Celiac Disease!!! Gluten Free is not just a FAD, it saves lives.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Spread Awareness!

Here at, we strive to promote awareness to the reality of Celiac Disease, and Gluten Sensitivity. We create products that promote awareness kindly, and effectively; and they come in a wide variety of colors. Please take time to look at our Teespring Store and if you are an Amazon shopper, you can also find a few of our shirts, as well as our book! Here is the link to our Teespring Store!
Please consider purchasing and most importantly, wearing one of our awareness products to share with the world that food allergies, and food sensitivities exist! Be Bold! Speak Up! Tell the World!
~Gluten Free Em~

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Be Positive About Your Diet

Have you ever felt like you were in this Gluten Free thing all alone? I get that way sometimes, but in reality we are part of a huge Gluten Free Family! All over the world there are others like us who have a limited diet because of health reasons. The "poor me attitude" is easy to acquire, but it only brings with it depressing thoughts, so be careful not to fall prey to it's trap!!! If you are struggling in this area, consider joining social media groups with others who are gluten free, or perhaps finding out if some of your neighbors are gluten free. Just communicating with others who deal with the same struggles can be all it takes to encourage and uplift us. We are doing the right thing in taking care of our bodies. We are not fad dieters, we are trying to stay healthy.
Believe in yourself! You are awesome! Hold your head up high, you deserve to feel good about yourself!
Live Happy, Healthy, and Gluten Free!
~Gluten Free Em~

Monday, July 30, 2018

What is in Your Medicine Cabinet?

Did you know that a lot of the prescription drugs that Americans take contain gluten? And countless other medications cause inflammation of the gut, or an imbalance of gut flora. Antibiotics and steroids are the known for this. Other medications that are used for anxiety, depression, seizures, etc can also create a chemical imbalance in the body that leads to immune issues.
Only take what you have to take, and look for an all natural alternative whenever possible. Your body deserves only the best!
Have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free Day!
~Gluten Free Em~

Got a question for Em? Leave a comment, use the contact form on the desktop version of the website, or message her at her Facebook page,!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Kirkman Pro Bio Gold

So, the last time I posted we talked about food allergies and sensitivities. Since that time, I have been doing a lot of research and experiments with my own allergies. My biggest experiment is still in the making, and that is, I am now taking a strong hypoallergenic probiotic 2 times a day. Yes, I did say hypoallergenic!!! I have looked for years and finally found one that I can take. Kirkman Probio Gold Probiotics is the brand name, corn allergy, milk allergy, gluten sensitivity sufferers!!!! Check it out here!
Already I have seen a positive improvement in my guts. I am excited to see where this journey will take me!
There is no end to the possibilities that creativity can bring! Don't be afraid to mix up something weird, try something new, or change an old recipe! Don't settle with failure, try again. Don't stick with boring, when you can be fabulous. Keep trying, Keep trying, Keep trying!
Don't let your allergies stop you from living life to the fullest! There is nothing that can stop you if you are determined to keep trying. If you are one of us who sufferer from multiple allergies and find a balanced diet is hard to maintain, then you should probably look into a holistic approach to healing leaky gut. Find an all natural, or holistic doctor near you, and see if they can offer some help. For me it took many years to find any help, but help is out there if you are patient and persistent in looking.
Never give up on your dreams, just let them take a little twist! It will be exciting! Enjoy the ride. Until next time, have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free day!
~Gluten Free EM~

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Summer Fun Gluten Free Style

As the summer is fast approaching, the weather is warming up. Families are spending more time together outdoors, and ice cream and Smores are on the menu.
What does this mean for us food allergy sufferers? Maybe you have a little one who cannot have corn. Maybe your immediate family is gluten free, but not distant family. Does this mean you can't still have that summer fun???
Of course, not! There are many products on the market now that are corn and gluten free and are safe for food allergy sufferers!

Pamela's makes a very tasty corn and gluten free graham cracker. And most of Hershey's Chocolate is gluten and corn free.

Goldbaums makes a handy ice cream cone. There are several brands out there actually that offer gluten free ice cream cones, but be careful that they are produced in a gluten free facility!

If you live in the western part of the USA, you can get Strauss Family Creamery ice cream from your nearby health foods store. This stuff is awesome, corn and gluten free, as well as free of stabilizers, which means no xanthan gum, carrageenan, guar gum, or the like!

If you must make your own ice cream because you live in the east with a carrageenan allergy, the key is to find some Kalona SuperNatural Whipping Cream. 

Do you have a favorite summer time meal, dessert, or activity that is good for the whole family??? Tell me about it!!! I love to hear from my readers!
Have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free Summer!
~Gluten Free Em~

Saturday, April 22, 2017

The Updated Version of 'Could It Be Gluten?'

Take time to check out the updated version of Could it be Gluten?

This book is a guide to understanding the facts of the gluten free diet. It covers the Why, When, and How of going gluten free, and also touches on the possibility of food allergies being at the root of your health conditions.
If you have always wondered about the gluten free diet, but never knew where to start researching on it, start here!
Why look through endless medical encyclopedia's or medical textbooks? Why search the web for weeks on end for helpful information only to find that half of it wasn't legit?
Just take the facts from the trial and error that I have experienced, and learn it all from one source whether or not the gluten free diet is for you. I've already been through it and this is first hand information that can be very helpful in making your decision for or against the gluten free diet.
This book explains how to go gluten free in several easy to follow steps that will help you become free of gluten in no time.
Wondering about the elimination diet? This book also covers the details on the elimination diet. So, pick up your copy today and start learning the answer to the question...Could It Be Gluten?
Also available in ebook form from Kindle.

Have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free day!!!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Gluten Free, Corn Free Cookies

Have you ever felt that uncomfortable feeling when someone offers your gluten free child a cookie without your permission? Brrrr, I tell you it gets to me. But they always mean well by it. The endless questions...the explanations...the blank looks you receive...the frustration all caused by a cookie! So, you mom, need to have a backup ready!!!!
"Oh, they can only have certain kinds of cookies. If you want to get them something, here is the brand you can buy, and Walmart sells them." (I can just hear myself saying it, again.) ;)
What is your favorite gluten free cookie brand? I like to give my kids the Glutino Wafers that come in chocolate, vanilla, and lemon. They are corn and gluten free and do not contain xanthan gum, carrageenan, or annatto. You will also notice that they are considerably low in sugar for a cookie! (Yeah, for you mom!)
Glutino also makes a yummy animal cracker, in two flavors...original, and graham. (These contain xanthan gum.)
Another favorite is Pamela's brand. They have honey Grahams, cinnamon flavored grahams, and a large variety of other cookie flavors including pecan shortbread cookies (YUM). The only hang up is that they contain xanthan gum.
There are other brands out there that are also good...What is your favorite???
Every child should have a cookie from time to time! (Every adult, too;)
Cookies bring a smile.
Have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free Day!!!
~Em Kennedy~

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Could It Be Gluten?

I am so excited to finally be able to share my journey from chronic pain and poor health to a whole new life living gluten free. In my journey I learned about food allergies and intolerance, and how they affect your body adversely. It has been many years since my journey began, and I am very happy to share it with you now! Read it for yourself! #glutenfree #cornfree #annattofree #carrageenanfree
Could It Be Gluten? by EM KENNEDY is now available for sale on amazon!

Do you have questions about the gluten free diet?
Get your questions answered! Contact me through the contact form on this blog, read about my journey by following the link above, or message me through my Google + . I'm looking forward to answering any questions regarding all things, allergy and gluten free!
Have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free Day!

Friday, January 6, 2017

Vans Gluten Free Foods

Vans is a brand that contributes tremendously to the deliciousness of the gluten free diet! I'm a fan of Vans because they offer a wide variety of products that are not only gluten free, but also corn free!!!!!!! Wooohooo!!!! Ok, forgive my childish expression, but I love eating cereal, crackers, and granola bars. Especially when they taste yummy, and have very little sugar in them. They also offer granola. These pictures were taken at Walmart who seems to be embracing the fact that people want gluten free products. 
 Vans cereal selection...
 A few granola bars....
Crackers anyone???
Want to know more about Vans delicious products?  Check it out