Have you ever felt like you were in this Gluten Free thing all alone? I get that way sometimes, but in reality we are part of a huge Gluten Free Family! All over the world there are others like us who have a limited diet because of health reasons. The "poor me attitude" is easy to acquire, but it only brings with it depressing thoughts, so be careful not to fall prey to it's trap!!! If you are struggling in this area, consider joining social media groups with others who are gluten free, or perhaps finding out if some of your neighbors are gluten free. Just communicating with others who deal with the same struggles can be all it takes to encourage and uplift us. We are doing the right thing in taking care of our bodies. We are not fad dieters, we are trying to stay healthy.
Believe in yourself! You are awesome! Hold your head up high, you deserve to feel good about yourself!
Live Happy, Healthy, and Gluten Free!
~Gluten Free Em~