What is the gluten free diet? What are multiple food allergies? Find out that and more right here! Multiple food allergy safe recipes including corn free, legume free, nut free, egg free, dairy free, citrus free, annatto free, carrageenan free, and more!
Thursday, July 8, 2021
The Multiple Food Allergy Life
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Gluten Free Bison and Pepper Jack Stromboli
Next time you have leftover steaks sitting in the fridge, and you are wondering what to make with them....try stromboli!
About 2 cups of leftover bison steaks chopped finely.
1 jar of Newman's Own Mild or Medium Salsa.
1 pound of pepper jack cheese grated or cubed.
Fresh oregano leaves chopped finely.
Any other toppings your heart desires 😀!
To make the crust, mix 2 cups of freshly milled brown rice flour to a medium mixing bowl. Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda. 3/4 teaspoon of salt. Mix well. Add 1 1/2 - 2 cups full fat high protein Greek yogurt. (We use Oikos) Add 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil. Mix well. The dough should be moist and all the flour incorporated into the dough. Adjust yogurt amount to get this result. Take half of the dough and place it on a piece of parchment paper. Add another piece of parchment paper on top of the dough to prevent sticking to the rolling pin. Roll it thin to about 1/4 inch or less. Like the thickness of pie crust. Remove top piece of parchment paper. Fill one side with half of the toppings leaving room on the edge for the dough to be sealed. Then fold the other half of the dough over as a lid sealing the edges by pinching them together. Cut two or three vents on the top of the stromboli with a fork.
Repeat for remaining dough. Transfer both stromboli to an unglazed stone leaving the parchment paper under them, and bake at 425° for 20-30 minutes or until golden brown.
Cool for a few minutes before cutting and serving! Enjoy!
Have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free day!
~Gluten Free Em~
Monday, September 21, 2020
Stir Fried Veggies-- a Light and Easy Meal for Anytime of the Day!
How about some stir fried veggies to get your morning started, or for anytime of the day, really! Healthy oil, fiber, and vitamins! #glutenfree #cornfree #legumefree #nutfree #annattofree #carrageenanfree #dairyfree #eggfree #veganrecipe

Sunday, April 19, 2020
Scalloped Potato Casserole Em Style
For a Downloadable/Printable PDF version of this recipe, please click the Paypal buy now button below! (Only $1.99 and you can add it to your recipe collection!)

Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Gluten Free Em’s Favorite White Bread
For a Downloadable/Printable PDF version of this recipe, click the Paypal pay now button below!

Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Gluten Free Em's Favorite Brownies
For a printable PDF version of this recipe, click the Paypal buy now button below!

Thursday, March 19, 2020
Em's Gluten Free Biscuits
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Southwest Cabbage Roll Soup with antelope
1 head of green cabbage
6-8 medium potatoes
1 large onion
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 head of cauliflower
salt to taste
3/4-1 pound ground antelope (or other ground red meat)
Cut the core out of a head of green cabbage, boil till the layers separate easily (only a few minutes) Transfer the cabbage leaves to an ice water bath.
~Gluten Free Em~
For a printable PDF of this recipe click the button below to buy now through Paypal!

Monday, March 4, 2019
I'm Hard at Work on Something Fabulous!
But I have been working on some amazing research that will no doubt make a huge difference in my life and the lives of many who are also gluten free!
Finding healthy sources of nutrition that won't set off a reaction can be daunting and sometimes seem impossible...but with knowledge, there is hope!
I still have a ways to go in this research, but I do hope that you will bear with me as I spend less time on this blog and more time in the books... as I am currently working on a new book that will discuss the different nutrients that our bodies need to work properly and the various food options for obtaining those nutrients.
The idea behind this book is to offer those of us on a limited diet new ideas for ways to maximize our nutrient intake without making ourselves sick with a food our body reacts to.
Please stay tuned for updates as the work progresses... and for new posts, because I am first and foremost a blogger at heart!
Have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free Day!
Em Kennedy
Monday, January 7, 2019
Why I am Gluten Free Em
So to sum up this post, if you don't already understand about these health problems, learn as much as you can! You may be able to spread awareness by wearing one of our products as well. Remember: knowledge saves lives, and every life is precious!
Have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free Day!
~Gluten Free Em~
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Apple Pie, Em's Way...
Then, one day I learned I had gluten sensitivity... no more pies the way I used to make them. It was a hard fact to swallow. "Oh, well that's only one ingredient I have to change. I can find another flour to substitute", was my attitude. Months later, I found out that the swelling in my throat was related to food allergies...multiple food allergies. So many that I had trouble keeping up with the list. Over the years I have developed more...no more cinnamon, no more egg, no more corn, and on and on we could go... Does that mean I would give up on making a good apple pie? No Sir! One flop after another did dishearten me, and I wouldn't dare brag about my pies anymore. But finally the other day, something went right! I do hope it continues to go right! It's still not perfect, but it I was happy with it. In effort to preserve my creative compilation of recipes, I post them here. So, here is my newest: Apple Pie, Em's Way...
This pie is #glutenfree #cornfree #carrageenanfree #cinnamonfree #nutfree #dairyfree #gumfree #legumefree #annattofree #allergenfriendly #eggfree #organic #preservativefree #noaddedsugar
Apple Pie, Em's Way
You will need:
About 3 pounds or so of organic apples. I prefer Gala and Fuji combined.
1 1/2 or so of a cup of freshly milled brown rice flour. ***
1/2 teaspoon of Arm and Hammer baking soda.
1/2 teaspoon David's Kosher or other un-iodized salt that contains nothing but salt.
Somewhere around 1 1/2 cups of organic unsweetened applesauce. (I use Fresh Thyme or other store brand that does not contain any ingredients except apples.)
1/4 of a cup or so of California Olive Ranch extra virgin olive oil.
Clear Pyrex pie pan.
Preheat your oven to 425 degrees. (Not necessary if using a toaster oven.) Peel, core, wash, and slice apples into quarters. Boil the apples with a small amount of filtered water until they are fork tender. Slightly mash with a serving spoon. Set aside for later. Mix flour, baking soda, and salt together, then add applesauce and 1/8 of a cup of olive oil. Mix well to combine. Add more or less applesauce to make a wet dough that easily spreads with a spoon. Add the other 1/8 of a cup of olive oil to the bottom of the pan spreading it out gently. Spread 2/3 of the dough into the pan bringing it about halfway up the sides and covering the entire bottom with about 1/4 inch dough. Add the slightly mashed boiled apples to the center of the pie, leaving about 3/4 of an inch of dough around the edge uncovered. Mound up to desired thickness. Add 1/4 of a cup or so of flour to the remainder of the batter making it workable. Taking about one tablespoon or so at a time, gently work it flat with your hands and place on top of the pie. Lay enough pieces to cover most of the top of the pie, leaving a few vent holes. Bake at 425 degrees until the bottom and sides are browned. This is one reason I prefer to use a clear pyrex pan, so I can see the bottom. It takes somewhere around 30 minutes. Watch carefully that it doesn't overcook. Let the finished pie sit for a few minutes before attempting to serve or it will fall apart if it is too hot. Enjoy and don't forget to leave me your comments on how it turned out for you and your family!
*** I freshly mill my flour using a Wondermill. I use a 1:1 ratio of organic long grain brown rice, and organic brown basmati rice. Both are Lundberg brand.
For a printable PDF download of this recipe, click on the Paypal buy now button below! Happy Baking!

Monday, October 29, 2018
A Gluten Free, Allergy Free Fall
Well, a lot of these cool memories are over for me because of my allergies. But what about my gluten sensitive children? Will they ever experience these kind of memory making traditions? Will my son with a corn allergy ever get to taste a marshmallow? These are just a few of questions that run through my mind this time of year.
The key to success in this area is hard work and creativity! Many traditional recipes can be reproduced into a gluten free copies! Yes, they may have a slightly different texture, but it can be done. :) Fortunately, for those who are just avoiding gluten there are many premixed flour that work beautifully as substitutes.
For those of us with food allergies as well as gluten sensitivity, substituting is a little more complicated. Mixing your own flours becomes a necessity. Potato starch, tapioca starch, and freshly milled brown rice flour is my go to for legume free, corn free, nut free, gluten free, and gum free flour.
Do you have a favorite flour mix that you use as a substitute? Do you buy it pre-mixed, or mix it yourself? What is your favorite fall recipe? We would love to hear from you! (And it would be a chance for you to show off your gluten free skills!)
Have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free day!
~Gluten Free Em~
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
What is Celiac Disease?
- Anemia, usually resulting from iron deficiency
- Loss of bone density (osteoporosis) or softening of bone (osteomalacia)
- Itchy, blistery skin rash (dermatitis herpetiformis)
- Damage to dental enamel
- Mouth ulcers
- Headaches and fatigue
- Nervous system injury, including numbness and tingling in the feet and hands, possible problems with balance, and cognitive impairment
- Joint pain
- Reduced functioning of the spleen (hyposplenism)
- Acid reflux and heartburn
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Weight loss
- Irritability
- Short stature
- Delayed puberty
- Neurological symptoms, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), learning disabilities, headaches, lack of muscle coordination and seizures
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Be Positive About Your Diet
Believe in yourself! You are awesome! Hold your head up high, you deserve to feel good about yourself!
Live Happy, Healthy, and Gluten Free!
~Gluten Free Em~
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Our new line of T-Shirts promoting Celiac Disease, and Gluten Sensitivity Awareness
"Have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free day!"
~Gluten Free Em~
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Lemon Thyme for Relief from Congestion
Another way to use this herb that is very beneficial is for anxiety or tension relief. Feeling tense can come and go, but when it prevents you from sleeping, or gets so severe that your stomach feels funny, maybe it's time to do something about it. Don't worry there are many things you can do that can relieve tension without taking a drug. I personally have tried and found it to be true that the oil from the leaves of a lemon thyme plant can relieve tension. Just take some fresh leaves off of your plant, crush them between your fingers until the oil is released, and then rub the oil behind your ears or where ever you can smell it. I like to use it behind my ears as my ears are usually related to the feelings I am experiencing. It has calmed vertigo for me several times, relieved nausea, and calmed me down. I am sure it can be used in more serious ways if purchased as an essential oil, but I have not as of yet needed to try it in that way.
Of course, the most logical way to use this powerful herb is to season or enhance food dishes. I love the lemony taste it gives, as I am allergic to lemons themselves and can not enjoy them. I have personally used it to season fish, lamb, and several vegetable dishes. It has a mild peppery taste with a citrus hint. It smells so much like lemon that you may be fooled at first. It works well with seafood.
This herb can also be used to thin blood, fight yeast infections, lower blood pressure, regulate blood sugar, relieve indigestion, relieve bloat, encourage digestion and elimination, and treat sinus infections. Seriously, there are soooo many ways to use this wonderful herb. If you haven't yet, you should consider adding it to your indoor or outdoor herb garden!
Here's to the medicine God created--natural herbs, food, vitamins, and minerals.
Have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free Day!
~Gluten Free Em~
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Nature's Substitute For NSAIDs (also known as...Ibuprofen, aspirin, Motrin, etc.)
There are so many options out there, even for people like me who have multiple food and chemical sensitivities! I stopped taking NSAIDs like Ibuprofen, aspirin, Motrin, and all their off brands when my body decided after 10 plus years of regular use that it wouldn't except it anymore. I used it for crippling menstrual cramps, severe headaches, joint pain, swelling, low grade fevers... I used it at least 7 days out of the month but usually much more. At that point in my life, I began to have swelling of the throat and difficulty breathing anytime that I tried to take it, so I quit.
Out of desperation I looked for other things to help with the pain. Thank God, I came across some information that told me garlic in its raw form taken orally can lower blood pressure, block pain, reduce inflammation, kill bacteria and viruses, and thin your blood. At first, I was skeptical. I mean, like, everyone uses it to cook with, but can something so little really have such a powerful affect? All I had in the house at that time was dried garlic powder. It didn't do the job, just left my breath smelling worse than ever. But I wasn't ready to give up just yet. The next payday, when we went shopping, I picked up a bulb of fresh raw garlic. That night, I tried it as my headache was worse than ever. I minced some up and put it on a piece of buttered gluten free bread...The results were amazing!!!! Not only did it help the headache, but I slept better then usual that night (probably because it lowered my blood pressure).
For the last 7 years, this has been my go to for pain relief. It also helps with congestion if you are fighting a cold or asthma. The only side affect that can sometimes be a problem is it lowers my blood pressure. (I fight with chronic low blood pressure anyway.) And of course, the bad breath. :) LOL. Which can be fixed with peppermint oil, or chewing gum.
Are you tired of popping pills for high blood pressure, headaches, pain, and swelling??? Give garlic a try! (If you are currently taking medication for blood pressure, start with a small amount of garlic to see how your body responds. Your medication dosage will probably need reduced, but always consult your doctor first as it must be done gradually.)
I am not a doctor...this is for informational purposes only, and I can not be held responsible for any adverse effects caused by consumption of garlic.
~Gluten Free Em~
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Ginger The Natural Remedy For Tummy Trouble
It's true, we have touchy tummies. Even the smallest trace of gluten can leave some of us feeling really bad for weeks.
How do you treat this problem without medicines that further upset our sensitive body chemistry? Well, long before medications were developed, back when life was simpler, there were herbs and spices used as medicine. God designed the perfect solution to tummy trouble when He created ginger!
Ginger is a strong spice, when consumed raw it acts as a natural relief for indigestion, nausea, bloat, gas, etc. It is naturally gluten free and can be juiced with other fruits and veggies to make a great anti inflammatory drink! Say bye bye to tummy trouble and hello to relief! Ginger is my best friend.
~Gluten Free Em~
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Applesauce Raisin Muffins Corn, Gluten, Dairy, Egg Free
One of my favorites was always her applesauce raisin cake. I loved it! I still love it! I always will love it! But because of my food allergies, I no longer can have it the way she made it, and taught me to make it. I have to substitute, but who cares, I still get to enjoy that flavor!
Here is the most recent recipe I have for the applesauce raisin cake. This one I made into muffins, you know a little less sugar and mess.
Takes only a few minutes to prepare and yields 12 muffins. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line a muffin a 12 cup muffin pan with muffin papers. ( I like to use the unbleached ones that I find at Fresh Thyme or Whole Foods.)
1 cup of freshly milled Organic Brown Rice Flour
1/2 cup Bob's Red Mill Sweet White Rice Flour
2 Tablespoons or so of Tapioca flour
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon David's Kosher salt (any salt should do)
1/2 cup organic seedless raisins
3/4 to 1 cup unsweetened organic applesauce
A few small shavings of crystallized ginger (not a lot or it will be overpowering. We just want to get that spice flavor in there. If you can use cinnamon instead that would probably be better. 1/2 a teaspoon or so.)
2 or 3 tablespoons of sugar in the raw (Or brown, or white sugar. I just like the flavor of the sugar in the raw.)
2 tablespoons of freshly chopped golden flax seeds soaked in 1/3 cup of water. (I chop them in a smoothie cup, but a food processor will work. If you don't have any of these, you can buy the flax already chopped, but be sure to refrigerate it to retain flavor.)
2-3 tablespoons olive oil (The oil must be fresh. If it isn't it will ruin the flavor of the muffins. I use California Olive Ranch Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Olive Oil. It almost always tastes fresh and can be found at Walmart, Meijer, Kroger, and most other places. (Other types of oil will work, but this is the best)
Mix dry ingredient together first, then add applesauce, flax water, and stir with a spoon until completely combined. Do not over mix. Divide evenly between muffin cups. Bake till a toothpick entered into the center comes out fairly clean. About 15-20 minutes depending on your oven.
If you have an egg allergy, corn allergy, gluten sensitivity, cinnamon allergy, or milk allergy this will work for you!
I hope you enjoy trying out my newest recipe, and please share it with your friends and family. Remember, don't be afraid to be creative in the kitchen and mix something up today!
Have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free Day!
~Gluten Free Em~
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Kirkman Pro Bio Gold
Already I have seen a positive improvement in my guts. I am excited to see where this journey will take me!
There is no end to the possibilities that creativity can bring! Don't be afraid to mix up something weird, try something new, or change an old recipe! Don't settle with failure, try again. Don't stick with boring, when you can be fabulous. Keep trying, Keep trying, Keep trying!
Don't let your allergies stop you from living life to the fullest! There is nothing that can stop you if you are determined to keep trying. If you are one of us who sufferer from multiple allergies and find a balanced diet is hard to maintain, then you should probably look into a holistic approach to healing leaky gut. Find an all natural, or holistic doctor near you, and see if they can offer some help. For me it took many years to find any help, but help is out there if you are patient and persistent in looking.
Never give up on your dreams, just let them take a little twist! It will be exciting! Enjoy the ride. Until next time, have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free day!
~Gluten Free EM~