Showing posts with label gluten sensitivity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gluten sensitivity. Show all posts

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Why the Gluten Free Diet?

For many years my kitchen has been gluten free. For many years I have been on  a strict gluten free diet. For years I have been enjoying the benefits. But many times the question has come up, Why? Why do some people need a gluten free diet? What is it that causes some of us to struggle digesting this popular food?
There are so many possible causes for a gluten sensitivity. I have compiled a list of some of the most common. THIS IS BY NO MEANS AN EXHAUSTED LIST!

1) Celiac Disease: an autoimmune disorder where ingestion of gluten produces autoimmune damage to the villi in the small intestine. Malabsorption and many other symptoms can be associated with this disease. A gluten free diet is a MUST to treat this disease.

2) Gluten Sensitivity: A health problem where the ingestion of gluten causes many negative affects similar to Celiac Disease but without positive tests to prove Celiac Disease. Malabsorption, digestive issues such as IBS, or chronic diarrhea can also be related to this kind of reaction to gluten. Inflammation in any part of the body can result from eating gluten if you have a Gluten Sensitivity.

3) Hashimoto's Thyroiditis: This is an autoimmune disease of the thyroid. It causes your body to attack your own thyroid. It is very damaging to the body and can result in many other problems. Many people who have this disease also need to avoid gluten for inflammation reasons. In many cases, a gluten sensitivity is also an issue with someone who has Hashimoto's.

4) Lactose Intolerance: This is a difficulty digesting the sugar in milk called lactose. It often results in gas, indigestion, and in some cases severe stomach pains, headaches and much more. Those with this issue tend to have other digestive problems, and struggle to digest the complex protein found in wheat we know as gluten. Lactose intolerance doesn't "cause" gluten sensitivity, but may be helped by the avoidance of gluten containing foods. Many times the underlying cause of Lactose Intolerance is a sensitivity to gluten.

5) Chronic Inflammation: This is a health problem that manifests in inflammation of the body that is continual. It can lead to or be caused by many problems, such as heart disease, lupus, or other autoimmune disorders, and even muscular or connective tissue issues. Those who experience inflammation on a constant basis may benefit tremendously from a gluten free diet. In some cases a dairy free, low histamine diet would also benefit someone in this case.

6) Mast Cell Disorders: This term can be used to describe Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, and some other allergic type diseases. In many cases, the symptoms include anaphylaxis, severe asthma, chronic hives, and severe digestive issues. Those with a Mast Cell Disorder react very easily to gluten, and in may cases also have a gluten sensitivity. Those with these disorders usually have to avoid high histamine foods, as well as other known triggers that cause them anaphylaxis. Gluten promotes inflammation and thus would exacerbate the symptoms of a Mast Cell Disorder.

This is only a few, many more reasons for needing a gluten free diet exist. The gluten free diet isn't for everyone. I'm not one of those who believes in a "fix all" diet. There is no way that everyone of us would be enough alike to all need this diet modification. But the truth is, many out there who suffer needlessly would benefit tremendously from simply avoiding gluten! The key is to find out for yourself if the health problems you are experiencing could be helped by a gluten free diet! To do that, you need to try an elimination diet. The details of Why, When, and How to go gluten free can be found in my book, "Could it be Gluten?" and is available on Amazon as kindle eBook, or paperback version. Get your copy today! 

Could It Be Gluten?: A guide to understanding the facts about the gluten free diet. (Gluten Free Em Book 1) by [KENNEDY, EM]

Have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free Day!
~Gluten Free Em~

Monday, January 7, 2019

Navigating the Sticky World of Sugary Sweetness--Valentine's Day

Do you celebrate Valentine's Day with your kids???
This holiday is like all the rest with candy, and kisses, you must be on the look out for hidden sources of gluten, (and food allergens if you are a food allergy parent).
Most of the time, our favorite trusted brands change things up for the seasonal candy. I learned this one the hard way a few years back when I gave my little one a Reese's peanut butter cup Valentine's version. Of course, I only did it once as the cross contamination was enough to make him very sick.
So does that mean I can't give them candy for Valentine's day? My answer is simple, Of course I can! But I buy them traditional candies that are not packaged or shaped for the holiday at hand. This goes for Christmas and New Years all the way to Halloween. Most seasonal candy is unsafe for those of us with Gluten Sensitivity and Food Allergies.
What about you? How do you handle the sweetness of Valentine's Day? Share your story with us, and how you navigate this sticky world of sugary sweetness. Comment here or follow us on Facebook at!
Have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free Day, and make it FABULOUS!
~Gluten Free Em~

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

How my Gluten Free journey began...

Well, we've started a new year!!! I can't help but think back 7 years to the beginning of my own gluten free journey. It all started as a result of an endocrinologist's recommendation. I was dealing with autoimmune thyroid issues which had me feeling pretty worn out. My thyroid numbers had actually gotten back into the "normal" range, but my symptoms had remained. My vitamin D was borderline low. My energy was missing, and my hair was falling out. Nothing that I had tried had helped, and I was beginning to think there was no answer to the chronic fatigue that I had faced for many years.
"Have you tried a gluten free diet?" she asked. Me, I'm like, "What is gluten?"
Her response was pretty lame..."Go home and research it on the internet. I think it may be able to help your fatigue." I was like...whatever....but I did take her advice and looked it up.
I found out that gluten is a hard to digest protein in wheat, barley, oats, and rye which can create digestive issues with those who are sensitive to it. Digestive issues is something I had dealt with since a child, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to try. Boy was I in for a life changer!!!!! The fatigue was relieved, the pain was lessened, the digestive discomfort left, and I felt like a new woman after only a short two week abstinence from gluten. The rest is history...but here I am 7 years later, still gluten free and still researching how I can improve the lives of myself, my family, and others out there who are still looking to find answers when gluten may be at the root of their problem.
The gluten free diet is NOT for everyone, but there are a lot of people out there who do have a sensitivity to gluten and are feeling the negative health affects from it, just as I was. There are also those out there who have an autoimmune disease called Celiac Disease which causes severe intestinal damage, etc. because of gluten ingestion.
To learn more about Gluten, and whether or not the gluten free diet could be for you...Check out this book that I wrote explaining in detail, everything about going gluten free. It is available in kindle and paperback form. (See Below!)
Could it Be Gluten? A guide to understanding the facts about the gluten free diet. by Em Kennedy

Here's to better health!
Have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free Year!
~Gluten Free Em~

Do you have questions for Gluten Free Em??? You can reach her by the contact form on the desktop version of this blog, or by her Facebook page... !!!!! Don't be left in the dark, find out today if you would benefit from a gluten free diet!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Emotional Struggle of an Allergy and/or Gluten Free Diet

OK, it's that time of year...pumpkins, candy, apple cider...we all love the awesomeness of fall! But what most people don't understand is the torture that goes on inside the mind of someone with dietary restrictions! All these beautiful smells, and delicious looking food and drinks, that we are unable to have!!!! There are several solutions to this problem, including learning how to substitute flours, but for a moment, I just want to stand up for those of us with this problem by explaining to the world what we actually deal with on a daily basis!

You are walking through the grocery store, you smell the beautiful smell of cinnamon...Your mind automatically gets anxious because you know you are anaphylactically allergic to you speed up your steps to get away from the smell you love that hates you. You are walking past the bakery to get to the meat and cheese section, when you get a whiff of fresh made cake, donuts, bread...You know there is probably a trace of gluten still airborne from the mixing and baking process that goes on in that open area... You remember all the times that you were sick for weeks from that trace amount of gluten you breathed in while hanging out near the bakery for a few minutes, just trying to get your shopping done... Your heart sinks because you are hungry, wishing you could have those delicious foods again.
You get to the cheese isle... your eyes quickly roam to find the cheese you are buying for your family, not yourself. You absolutely adore cheese, and really could use the protein and calcium found in it, but you know that if you eat it you will be sick for days... You just grab what your family needs and leave, trying not to spend too much time in that area.
You pass the meat counter...You see steaks, hamburger, pork chops, ham, fish...Your heart screams at you, as your mind constantly repeats (allergic, allergic, allergic!) Without hesitation, you pass on by.
The frozen vegetable isle is loaded with delicious choices. You take your time checking to see if there are any new ones, but all you can see that is safe is broccoli, kale...and that's it. You wonder if it will always be this way. You remember the days when you could have fresh corn on the cob, okra, or even green beans or peas...You long for the freedom you had then.
The canned food isle is a quick grab and passing for the only thing down there you can have is absolutely nothing...but the family can have pinto's so you grab a few cans and go.
You go through the rest of the isles picking up a few things here and there, mourning over all the delicious options that aren't options. You remember the days when you could have them. The cravings for healthy, filling, nutritious meals are severe about now. You are just about in tears, but you must look and act strong in front of your you push on. The fake smile you wear hides the inner pain and frustration that is bottled up until that moment when you are alone to release it.
Finally, the last thing on your list, you grab some yogurt for the family. You know that without the yogurt your gluten free baking just won't be what it needs to be. You also know that you won't be able to have not even one bite of the goodies that you will be mixing up for your family. At the peak of frustration, you quickly check out and pay the hundreds of dollars for the few groceries you actually have been able to grab. You are relieved when you finally get into the car to head home, only to do the same thing again next week. 
You are so hungry by this time that you wish so badly that there was some kind of fast food or snack at a gas station that you could have, but instead you just have to deal with it till you get home. You know that there isn't anything safe.

So many people don't understand the emotional battle that those of us with multiple food allergies deal with. Most people say, "Oh, you are being overly careful." But what they don't know is all the hundreds of times when your body went into anaphylactic shock because you weren't careful enough. They haven't seen you doubled over in pain, and vomiting for hours because you ate gluten. They weren't there when you failed your exam because gluten made your mind so foggy you couldn't think straight in-spite of the weeks of study. And they haven't dealt with the extreme fatigue that brought you to depression...all because of Food Allergies and Gluten Sensitivity!

The BATTLE is REAL, Folks! You can't make these things up...and so many people suffer on a daily basis like this! We have to spread awareness! We must stand up for those who have Food Allergies, Celiac Disease, or Gluten Sensitivity! We must do our best to help others who are suffering to have their voice heard!
Do your part, whatever it may be, to get the word out!
Have a Happy, Healthy, Allergen Free, Gluten Free Day!
~Gluten Free Em~

Friday, August 17, 2018

Celiac Disease, Gluten Sensitivity, and Food Allergy Awareness

For Some Of Us,Gluten Free Is NotA Fad, It's ANecessaryWay Of... Natural Tote Bag Front
Help promote Celiac Disease, Gluten Sensitivity, and Food Allergy Awareness!
Click on the picture above to be redirected to my products promoting awareness!

Let's tell the world that Celiac Disease, Gluten Sensitivity, and Food Allergies exist. So many people are being made fun of because of their gluten free diet. Some call it a fad diet, but for some of us it is A NECESSARY WAY OF LIFE! Yes, there are people out there who follow it just because it is popular, but others follow it because they have a life threatening allergy, an autoimmune disease like Celiac, or a severe Gluten Sensitivity that causes digestive damage, pain, inflammation, and many other horrible symptoms. It's not that we don't want to eat gluten, it's that we can't eat it! Eliminating your favorite foods can be stressful, discouraging, and downright hard...but we don't have a choice. Let's stand up and speak out for those who suffer with Celiac Disease, Gluten Sensitivity, and Food Allergies! Let's share the word with the world, so others can find the help that they so desperately need. Save a life...Send some hope...Speak positively...
Choose from tote bags, shirts, hoodies, and much more...Get the message across with positivity!
Have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free day!
~Gluten Free Em~