Lemon thyme is one of my favorite herbs. It has soooo many uses, but I will only take time to mention a few. The most powerful use of this fragrant herb is relief from chest congestion. We grow this wonderful herb in our garden every year and dry some of it for use during the winter months when colds and flu seem to be everywhere. Because of its awesome antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antioxidant properties, it is very useful when fighting a respiratory infection of any type. Simply boil a few cups of water, put some fresh or dried lemon thyme leaves in (I use about 2 cups water to 1 tablespoon of thyme), let it seep till the water starts to change color. Add a teaspoon or so of raw local honey, then sip on it to relieve congestion. Also adding it to a big pot of boiling water, and then placing a towel over your head to create a steam tent, you can breath in the fumes and find amazing relief! It opens up and moisturizes the lungs. It is my go to for asthma as well.
Another way to use this herb that is very beneficial is for anxiety or tension relief. Feeling tense can come and go, but when it prevents you from sleeping, or gets so severe that your stomach feels funny, maybe it's time to do something about it. Don't worry there are many things you can do that can relieve tension without taking a drug. I personally have tried and found it to be true that the oil from the leaves of a lemon thyme plant can relieve tension. Just take some fresh leaves off of your plant, crush them between your fingers until the oil is released, and then rub the oil behind your ears or where ever you can smell it. I like to use it behind my ears as my ears are usually related to the feelings I am experiencing. It has calmed vertigo for me several times, relieved nausea, and calmed me down. I am sure it can be used in more serious ways if purchased as an essential oil, but I have not as of yet needed to try it in that way.
Of course, the most logical way to use this powerful herb is to season or enhance food dishes. I love the lemony taste it gives, as I am allergic to lemons themselves and can not enjoy them. I have personally used it to season fish, lamb, and several vegetable dishes. It has a mild peppery taste with a citrus hint. It smells so much like lemon that you may be fooled at first. It works well with seafood.
This herb can also be used to thin blood, fight yeast infections, lower blood pressure, regulate blood sugar, relieve indigestion, relieve bloat, encourage digestion and elimination, and treat sinus infections. Seriously, there are soooo many ways to use this wonderful herb. If you haven't yet, you should consider adding it to your indoor or outdoor herb garden!
Here's to the medicine God created--natural herbs, food, vitamins, and minerals.
Have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free Day!
~Gluten Free Em~
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