Showing posts with label digestive system problems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label digestive system problems. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

How my Gluten Free journey began...

Well, we've started a new year!!! I can't help but think back 7 years to the beginning of my own gluten free journey. It all started as a result of an endocrinologist's recommendation. I was dealing with autoimmune thyroid issues which had me feeling pretty worn out. My thyroid numbers had actually gotten back into the "normal" range, but my symptoms had remained. My vitamin D was borderline low. My energy was missing, and my hair was falling out. Nothing that I had tried had helped, and I was beginning to think there was no answer to the chronic fatigue that I had faced for many years.
"Have you tried a gluten free diet?" she asked. Me, I'm like, "What is gluten?"
Her response was pretty lame..."Go home and research it on the internet. I think it may be able to help your fatigue." I was like...whatever....but I did take her advice and looked it up.
I found out that gluten is a hard to digest protein in wheat, barley, oats, and rye which can create digestive issues with those who are sensitive to it. Digestive issues is something I had dealt with since a child, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to try. Boy was I in for a life changer!!!!! The fatigue was relieved, the pain was lessened, the digestive discomfort left, and I felt like a new woman after only a short two week abstinence from gluten. The rest is history...but here I am 7 years later, still gluten free and still researching how I can improve the lives of myself, my family, and others out there who are still looking to find answers when gluten may be at the root of their problem.
The gluten free diet is NOT for everyone, but there are a lot of people out there who do have a sensitivity to gluten and are feeling the negative health affects from it, just as I was. There are also those out there who have an autoimmune disease called Celiac Disease which causes severe intestinal damage, etc. because of gluten ingestion.
To learn more about Gluten, and whether or not the gluten free diet could be for you...Check out this book that I wrote explaining in detail, everything about going gluten free. It is available in kindle and paperback form. (See Below!)
Could it Be Gluten? A guide to understanding the facts about the gluten free diet. by Em Kennedy

Here's to better health!
Have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free Year!
~Gluten Free Em~

Do you have questions for Gluten Free Em??? You can reach her by the contact form on the desktop version of this blog, or by her Facebook page... !!!!! Don't be left in the dark, find out today if you would benefit from a gluten free diet!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Is toxicity the problem?

Life is always jobs, new homes, new baby, new neighborhood... Hopefully, for some of us that doesn't mean a new allergy!:( But as much as we dislike the thought, it can become a reality.
What is it that causes some of us to develop adverse reaction to foods we ate all our lives? What is it about conventional, non-organic foods that cause asthma when you can eat the same food in its organic form without any problems?
I've been researching this very subject for many years. The most common idea is that some of us have difficulty with the bodies natural detoxification methods not working correctly. This could be from a genetic defect, a nutritional difficiency, or a build up from toxic exposure to chemicals. There are many possible causes, but unfortunately no quick fixes.
What does this mean? Well, I believe that many gluten intolerances are caused by an unhealthy digestive system, resulted from a build of toxicity, and heavy metals from the foods we eat and our environment.
We can't live in a bubble and avoid all the negative effects of toxicity. We are going to be exposed to car exhaust, fertilizers, cleaners, soaps, etc...but at least we can try our best to limit this exposure and spend time out of doors in a natural setting with trees and fresh air (the mountains :). Life goes on, but little choices we make will make a difference.
I am not against vehicles, by the way...I love big SUVs and cool trucks, as well as Ford Mustangs with big engines, and please no convertibles. I think you are exposed to more toxins by riding a bike down a busy road than you would be in an enclosed vehicle. Like I said, we cannot live in a bubble.
Grow your own vegies if you can, or buy organic.  Use glass and not plastic containers when possible.  Avoid driving down a busy road with your windows open. Forget about treating your lawn, its green enough. Don't use traditional cleaners, opt in for natural products, or do the old vinegar thing. There are lots of ways we can limit our exposure even for those of us who live in a city. The key is to do our best without stressing about it. Stress is toxic, too, you know. Live life in balance and enjoy each day!
Have a Happy, Healthy, Gluten Free day!